We continue our celebration of lemurs with this episode of Candid Animal Cam, featuring the red-fronted lemur. Take it away, Romi!
Some facts from this video
- Lemurs are the most endangered group of mammals in the world.
- The red-fronted lemur was first classified as a distinct species in 2001 after genetic studies revealed it was different from the common brown lemur.
- Red-fronted lemurs inhabit rainforests and dry deciduous forests in parts of Madagascar.
- Red-fronted lemurs are the size of a house cat.
- They are sexually dichromatic – this means that males and females have different fur coloration.
- They are arboreal – this means they live in the trees.
- They mainly eat leaves, but they also eat flowers, fruit, and bark.
- They are highly social and use calls (vocalizations) and grooming to maintain social bonds.
- They have many different alarm calls. They have separate calls for different types of predators.
Review questions for educators
These questions can help provide a framework for exploring the topics presented in this video.
- What threats do lemurs face?
- Name two ways lemurs socialize with one another.
- What is one way red-fronted lemurs protect themselves from predators?
- Name one way that red-fronted lemurs help the ecosystems where they live.
Read more on Mongabay.com:
World Lemur Festival!