Celebrate legendary lemurs with awesome facts, art challenges, and stories!
Jessie is an artist with a lifelong love of lemurs. Learn how she designed the logo for this year’s World Lemur Festival.
Can you match each lemur with its common name?
Find out how fruit-loving lemurs help forests grow in Madagascar.
Meet Coral Chell, a scientists studying and working to protect the awesome Coquerel’s sifaka.
We continue our celebration of lemurs with this episode of Candid Animal Cam, featuring the red-fronted lemur. Take it away, Romi! Some facts from this video Lemurs are the most endangered group of mammals in the world. The red-fronted lemur was first classified as a…
Meet Katy Tanis, an artist and conservationist who loves wild nature!
Learn how to draw a black-and-white ruffed lemur with this tutorial from artist Katy Tanis.
Join the 2022 World Lemur Festival drawing challenge to help inspire the world to love lemurs and take action to save them from extinction.
Created by Zahzu, for the World Lemur Festival.
Travel to Africa and Madagascar to meet some awesome animals and plants and the people who find them fascinating.
Let’s meet Edgar Rabevao, who helps study and protect silky sifakas and other lemurs in Madagascar!