Meet the common warthog:

About common warthogs:

Scientific name: Phacochoerus africanus 

What is a warthog?

  • Warthogs are part of the pig family. They are a type of wild pig.
  • Their name comes from their facial warts that can grow as long as 6 inches (15 cm).
  • Common warthogs have two pairs of tusks that curve upwards.

Where do warthogs live?

  • Warthogs live in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • They can be found in grasslands, savannas, and woodlands.

What do warthogs eat?

  • Warthogs are omnivores. An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and food from animals (such as insects, other animal meat, or eggs).
  • Warthogs eat mostly plants, including grasses, roots, and seeds. They sometimes eat worms, insects, and occasionally meat from dead animals.

What eats warthogs?

Their predators include lions, leopards, cheetahs, crocodiles, wild dogs, and hyenas.

Fun facts:

  • Speedy pigs! Warthogs are fast. They can run up to 30 miles per hour (48 km/h).
  • A group of warthogs is called a sounder.

Comprehension questions:

  1. Why are warthogs sensitive to changes in temperature? How do they cool down when it is hot? How do they stay warm when it is cold?
  2. How do warthogs escape predators? How do they defend themselves?
  3. Why do warthogs sometimes have oxpecker birds on their backs?
  4. Did you learn any other interesting facts from the video?

Create a work of warthog art!

Draw or paint a beautiful warthog in its grassland or woodland habitat. You could also create a collage out of paper, fabric, or natural materials. Take inspiration from the video and facts you’ve learned today.

Image: Rhett A. Butler

Click here for more episodes of Candid Animal Cam, featuring wild animals from around the world caught on camera trap.

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Romi thanks: Dr. Meredith Palmer and Dr. Justine Becker for sharing their footage with us, and Erin Phillips for providing the audio clip about warthog behavior.