Meet a cute, small porcupine that is a great climber.

Meet a cute, small porcupine that is a great climber.
Candid Animal Cam introduces the capybara!
Geoffroy’s spider monkey, also called the black-handed monkey, lives in the rainforests of Central America.
Red pandas and giant pandas share a name and both eat bamboo, but are they both bears?
Coati or dinosaur? You decide!
Meet the bobcat…
Meet a deer that lives in the Americas, from Canada in the north to Peru and Bolivia in the south.
Meet a small wild cat that lives in South America and loves to climb.
Learn more about the common warthog, a wild pig found in African savannas and woodlands.
Meet a medium-sized antelope that is widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa…
What is a dazzle of zebras? Find out in this episode of Candid Animal Cam.
Meet the largest living anteater in the world.