Romi meets some North American bears caught on camera trap! Watch the video and see if you can answer the challenge questions.

Romi meets some North American bears caught on camera trap! Watch the video and see if you can answer the challenge questions.
Learn about lowland tapirs in this episode of Candid Animal Cam.
This time on Candid Animal Cam, Romi introduces the wild boar: Tell us what you know about wild boars! Have you seen a wild boar before? What did you think when you saw it? Was it alone or in a group? Were you scared, excited,…
This time on Candid Animal Cam, Romi shares some great hippopotamus facts with us: A few facts about hippos: Common hippos live in Sub-Saharan Africa. The common hippo is the 3rd largest living land mammal (behind elephants and white rhinos). Hippos can move quickly in…
In this episode of Candid Animal Cam, Romi introduces us to some waterbucks caught on camera trap: Test your knowledge! Answer these questions: Is the waterbuck a type of antelope or a type of deer? What kind of habitats do waterbucks live in? How many…
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