New data suggests these groups of bonobos have been split from each other for thousands of years.

New data suggests these groups of bonobos have been split from each other for thousands of years.
Did you know that there are 3 species of orangutans? Color and learn!
A group of scientists has found evidence that our great ape relatives tease each other by poking, hitting or pulling on a body part in playful ways.
Scientists are studying bonobos to better understand their social behavior and ours too.
Meet the chimpanzee, a fascinating animal, and one of our closest living relatives.
Travel to Africa and Madagascar to meet some awesome animals and plants and the people who find them fascinating.
Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives. Like us, they are social animals. They have relationships with family members. They have friends and sometimes enemies. They can use tools. They learn from each other. And we continue to discover other ways they might resemble us. Recently,…
John Mitani has studied apes for decades. Learn more about what he finds interesting about our nearest living relatives.
A female hoolock gibbon photographed in the Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary. Image by Miraj Hussain via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0). There is only one type of ape in India, the hoolock gibbon. Several families of hoolock gibbons live in Hoollongapar Gibbon Sanctuary in India’s northeastern state of…
Did you know that apes don’t have tails?