Are you ready for this month’s Seek challenge? Get outside and give it a go.

indicator species

Seek: Indicator Species Challenge

This Nature Challenge was created by Seek (by iNaturalist):

Your mission:

Healthy ecosystems provide us with benefits like clean water and air, carbon storage, and habitat to support biodiversity. A diversity of plants and arthropods are found in all types of terrestrial ecosystems.

Find 5 plants from the families:

  • Asteraceae (Sunflowers, Daisies, Asters, and Allies)
  • Fabaceae (Legumes)
  • Lamiaceae (Mint Family)
  • Acanthaceae (Acanthus Family)
  • Malvaceae (Mallow and Hibiscus Family)
  • Bignoniaceae (Bignonia Family)
  • Passifloraceae (Passionfruit Family)

Find 2 arthropods (insects, arachnids, crustaceans)

What is Seek? And how do you get started?

Seek (by iNaturalist) is a kid-safe app that helps you explore nature and get to know your local species!

Seek identifies and names plants, animals, and fungi by using the camera on a phone or tablet device. Seek also provides facts about the species you observe to deepen your understanding.

You can use Seek anywhere! Try your backyard, local park, or a nature reserve. Exciting new challenges are released monthly.

To try Seek, ask your parent or educator to visit the iNaturalist website. Or, they can click here for more information.

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