Meet a cute, small porcupine that is a great climber.

Meet a cute, small porcupine that is a great climber.
The clouded tiger cat is small cat that lives in high-altitude cloud forests in Central and South America.
This year World Otter Day is May 25. Let’s celebrate these amazing, water-loving, playful, carnivorous mammals.
Meet a deer that lives in the Americas, from Canada in the north to Peru and Bolivia in the south.
Meet the largest living anteater in the world.
Meet some lizards that can rebreathe underwater.
Learn about the discovery of a tiny new frog species in northern Costa Rica.
1. True or False? A tapir looks like nature put a shortened elephant trunk on a pig, but tapirs are really relatives of horses and rhinos.
From across the forests and savannas, mountains, oceans, and skies of the world, welcome to a celebration of the animals that you know and love – it’s the … It’s the largest living bird in the world and it’s perching here now – welcome the…
A spotted skunk performing its signature handstand. Image by Jerry W. Dragoo courtesy of the Field Museum. Have you ever seen a skunk do a handstand? If you do, then run away! Otherwise, you are about to get sprayed. Spotted skunks are the handstand champions…
Romi explains the habits of the crab-eating raccoon: Poster idea! Create a poster to compare the crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) with its North American cousin, the common raccoon (Procyon lotor) … something like this: Use the Candid Animal Cam video to help you answer questions…
Check out these bush dogs caught on camera trap! Get to know me: I am a bush dog (scientific name: Speothos venaticus). I am a canid – a canid is a group of dog-like mammals that includes foxes, wolves, coyotes, jackals, dingoes, and other dog-like species.…