A study in São Paulo, Brazil found that some mammals respond to living near humans by becoming more active at night.

A study in São Paulo, Brazil found that some mammals respond to living near humans by becoming more active at night.
Learn how cutting-edge tech is changing the way we protect species and their habitats.
Imagine an animal new to science that might live in the forest canopy.
A spiky, beaked, egg-laying mammal has been making headlines around the world …
Coati or dinosaur? You decide!
Meet a deer that lives in the Americas, from Canada in the north to Peru and Bolivia in the south.
Read this good news story about a small but important population of West African lions.
What is a dazzle of zebras? Find out in this episode of Candid Animal Cam.
Watch this episode of Candid Animal Cam. Then, take the pampas cat quiz!
Romi meets some North American bears caught on camera trap! Watch the video and see if you can answer the challenge questions.
Today, Romi introduces us to the Sunda pangolin, one of four species of pangolin found in Asia: Take the pangolin quiz! 1. True or False: Pangolin scales are made out of the same substance as human hair and fingernails. True! Pangolin scales are made from…
You may not have heard of the Annamite mountains before … but this is a place worth discovering! Come on, join us as we journey into the Annamites and learn about the hidden animals of the forest! Our hosts on this epic adventure are scientist…