June 17-21, 2024
It is that time of year when we throw a special party for the world’s tallest animal. This year’s theme is super spots!
Check out these new giraffe learning resources
Learn how you can help!
The Junior Giraffe Club is a group of kids who love giraffes. Find out how you can stand tall for giraffes too!
Giraffe classroom activity
In this activity each student creates their own special spot to add to a large poster of a giraffe.
Giraffe Spotter game
Test your memory and observation skills with this tricky pattern recognition game.
June 21 is World Giraffe Day, celebrating the tallest animal on the longest day/night of the year. To celebrate giraffes any day, visit the Giraffe Spot to explore our full range of giraffe learning resources, including puzzles, art activities, articles, and more.

This year’s celebration of World Giraffe Week is dedicated to legendary giraffeologist and Junior Giraffe Club founder Dr. Anne Innis Dagg (1933-2024). Read our interview with Anne. To learn more about Anne’s contributions to science, conservation, and education visit the Anne Innis Dagg Foundation website.
We thank the World Giraffe Week 2024 Design Team

Lindsey Johnson is a graphic designer and painter from Lincoln, Nebraska. She loves hiking and being outdoors whenever she can. She also holds a special place in her heart for puppies.

Abby Bubak is a graphic designer from Lincoln, Nebraska. She grew up in Kazakhstan, where her family sells popcorn. She loves all forms of art.

Johna Moural is a graphic designer from Lincoln, Nebraska. She has loved giraffes since she was a baby. She also loves learning about and seeing new types of flowers and plants.

This team was art directed by Stacy Asher, Associate Professor of Art at the University of Nebraska Lincoln. Stacy is an artist and designer who enjoys facilitating opportunities for learning and sharing stories. She would rather ride a bicycle than drive a car and is happiest outdoors in nature.
Our World Giraffe Week partners