Romi meets some North American bears caught on camera trap! Watch the video and see if you can answer the challenge questions.

Romi meets some North American bears caught on camera trap! Watch the video and see if you can answer the challenge questions.
1. True or False? Giant pandas have always lived in China. False! One of the oldest known giant panda fossils (or rather one of its direct ancestors) was found in Spain. It is over 11 million years old. Pandas were in Europe at some point…
Meet the brown bear … Did you know? The scientific name of the brown bear is Ursus arctos. Brown bears belong to a group of mammals called the Carnivora, or flesh-eaters. The brown bear is the second largest carnivore, after the polar bear. Young brown…
Did you know that there is only one bear species in South America? Learn more about the spectacled bear.