Your doodle challenge:

Do you always draw your dog, cat, or favorite flower the same way? Today is a good day to try something new!

Your challenge is to take your favorite animal or plant that you like to doodle and draw it in a different way. This is what we mean:

  • Instead of a cat face, draw the whole cat.
  • Instead of a dog sitting down, draw a dog lying down.
  • Instead of just the flower, draw the stem and leaves too.

Here are more examples to get you thinking and drawing




Have fun and share what you create with your parents, friends, and teachers. They might want to give nature doodling a go too!

Notes for parents, caregivers, and educators:

This activity is aimed at developing drawing and observation skills.

  1. Encourage kids to think about perspective: how to represent a 3D object on a 2D piece of paper. How do you create depth? How does an animal or plant look when viewed from the front, the side, and the back. Also encourage kids to think about proportion: the relative size of the parts of the animal or plant.
  2. For animal drawings – Encourage kids to think about the different things that animals do. How do they move their bodies? What do they do during the day and night? How do they find food? How do they interact with their environment?
  3. For plant drawings – Encourage kids to think about how plants change over time or react to their environment. For example, deciduous trees have leaves that change color and fall to the ground. Another example is that some flowers close up at night. Encourage kids to think about flowers or leaves as part of a whole organism. For example, instead of just a flower, suggest that kids draw the whole plant. Another idea is to have kids think about – and draw – the roots that are attached to a tree or a flowering plant.

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