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Meet the moths
Scientific name: Heniocha apollonia
Also called the southern marbled emperor, this moth lives in southern parts of Africa. Larvae (caterpillars) feed on the leaves of some acacia trees. It is a large moth, with eyespots on its wings.
Scientific name: Euchromia lethe
The multi-colored basker moth lives in the central, western, and southern parts of Africa. Larvae feed on banana and sweet potato plants.
Scientific name: Tyria jacobaeae
Another beauty! This moth lives in Europe and Asia and has been introduced to other places like Australia and the United States. Ragworts are a favorite food of its larvae. The cinnabar is a day-flying moth.
Scientific name: Poecilocampa populi
This fluffy night-flying moth is visible from October to December in parts of Europe. Larvae feed on deciduous trees like oaks, birches, and poplars.
Scientific name: Hemaris thysbe
You might mistake this cute moth for a hummingbird! It has partly transparent wings. The adult moth has a long proboscis for feeding on nectar. The larvae feed on cherry trees, hawthorn, honeysuckle, and other plants.
Scientific name: Actias luna
The luna moth is a native of North America. Larvae eat leaves from a variety of trees including birch and walnut. The adult moth is large (wingspan up to 7 inches) with striking green wings. Adults do not feed and they only live for one week.