New data suggests these groups of bonobos have been split from each other for thousands of years.

New data suggests these groups of bonobos have been split from each other for thousands of years.
A spiky, beaked, egg-laying mammal has been making headlines around the world …
Learn how black-footed ferrets have been fighting for their survival, with the help of some human friends.
We consult bee expert Jess Mullins to find out the answer!
Learn about the endangered Turks and Caicos rock iguana and the being done work to protect these animals.
The Amur tiger, also known as the Siberian tiger, is the largest cat in the world. They live in northeastern China, the Russian Far East, and possibly also in North Korea. Amur tigers face many threats. These include poaching, habitat loss and fragmentation, prey loss,…
The California condor is a beautiful large bird that is very important to the Yurok Tribe of Northern California. The California condor features prominently in Yurok stories, ceremonies, and traditions. In the Yurok language, the condor is known as prey-gon-eesh. A released California condor with…
What’s the story? Humans create vaccines to help defend ourselves against diseases like rabies, influenza, and coronavirus. We also use vaccines to help protect our pets and livestock – cows, sheep, goats – from disease. Could we use vaccines to help endangered wildlife, too? Scientists…
A team of scientists went looking for a tiny species of chameleon that is only the size of a golf tee (5.5 cm/2.2 inches long). They were afraid that this chameleon species – Chapman’s pygmy chameleon – might have gone extinct in its home country…
Giraffes and their habitat face the same conservation challenges as many other species of African megafauna.
Scientist Anne Innis Dagg and filmmaker Alison Reid talk about giraffes and the making of a documentary film about Anne’s pioneering research.