Colugos are unique gliding animals that live in the forests of Southeast Asia.
Candid Animal Cam introduces the capybara!
This year World Otter Day is May 25. Let’s celebrate these amazing, water-loving, playful, carnivorous mammals.
The large flying fox is a type of fruit-eating bat that lives in Southeast Asia. It has a cute fox-like face with large eyes and pointy ears.
Find out and take the pinniped challenge! See if you can tell a true seal apart from a sea lion.
Learn more about pangolins Pangolins are scaly mammals that live in Asia and Africa Celebrate World Pangolin Day
A spiky, beaked, egg-laying mammal has been making headlines around the world …
Meet 6 fabulous rodents and play the rodent memory game!
You’ve heard of the giraffe, but have you heard of the okapi? Impress your friends with these giraffid facts!
Learn how black-footed ferrets have been fighting for their survival, with the help of some human friends.
Meet a small animal that can really hop…
Take this quiz to find out!