The Smallest Bird

Photo by Iskánder Vigoa Pérez.
The Smallest Bird: Bee Hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae)

This species of hummingbird endemic to Cuba is the world's smallest species of bird. They are between 5 and 6 cm long and weigh between 1.2 and 2 grams- comparable to the weight of a paperclip or dime. The bee hummingbird's main food source is nectar; they can hover over a flower consuming nectar with wings beating at an estimated 80 beats per second. In comparison to other species of hummingbirds, the bee hummingbird is said to appear as short and stumpy. The reason for the rating of Near Threatened on the IUCN Red List is the fact that it's already small population is decreasing at a relatively moderate rate as a result of forest loss

Bird / Bird



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