The Biggest Predatory Fish

Photo courtesy of NOAA.
The Biggest Predatory Fish: Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Capturing the imaginations of thousands, the great white shark is a fish of almost mythical proportions. Weighing 5,000 pounds and measuring up to 15 feet in length, the great white is a perfect predator, and the biggest predatory fish on Earth. Because of their torpedo-like body shape and powerful tails, they are known to move through the water at up to speeds of 15 miles per hour, and can even "breach," or leave the water completely to attack prey. They have up to 300 knife-like teeth, and use their extraordinary sense of smell of find food. There are no reliable numbers on the great white shark's populations, although scientists all agree that their numbers are plummeting due to overfishing, deaths due to nets, and fear-killings. It is important to understand that although we may fear the great white shark, they are an integral part of the ocean food-chain, and must be protected. They are labeled as an Endangered species.

Fish / Cartilaginous fish, Predatory Fish



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