The Biggest Amphibian

Rhett A. Butler /
The Biggest Amphibian: Chinese Giant Salamander (Andrias davidianus)

The Chinese giant salamander is both the biggest salamander and biggest amphibian in the world, reaching up to 6 feet long and weighing up to 80 pounds. The Chinese great salamander is native to the mountain streams and lakes of China, where it feeds off insects, frogs, and fish by sensing vibrations through sensory nodes that run along their body, making up for its bad eyesight. The giant salamander is known to vocalize, making barking, whining, hissing, or crying sounds. They are listed as critically endangered as a result of habitat loss, pollution, and over-hunting. The giant salamanders are considered valuable to the Chinese folk culture not only because it is a common food, but its important role in traditional Chinese medicine.

Amphibian / Amphibian and/or Salamander



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